Exercise 8.2 | Class 8 | SCERT Solution | General Mathematics

1. The marked price of a radio is Rs. 2055. If it is sold at 3% discount, find the selling price.
Given, MP = Rs. 2055
Discount percentage = 3

\(\ ⇨ \frac{MP-SP}{MP}×100=3 \)

\(\ ⇨ \frac{2055-SP}{2055}×100=3 \)

\(\ ⇨ 2055-SP=\frac{3}{100}×2055 \)

\(\ ⇨ 2055-61.65=SP \)
\(\ ⇨ SP = 1993.35 \) (Rs.)

Aternative Mathod

Let the SP be \(\ x \)
discount = 3% of 2055
\(\ = \frac{3}{100}×2055 \)
\(\ = 61.65 \)
\(\ SP = MP - discount \)
\(\ ⇨ SP = 2055-61.65 \)
\(\ ⇨ SP = 1999.3 \) (Rs.)
⸫ The required SP should be Rs. 69.

2. Suman bought a Mathematics Book for Rs. 190 at a discount of 10%. What was the marked price?
Given, SP = Rs. 190
Let the marked price be \(\ x \)
discount = 3% of \(\ x \)

\(\ = \frac{10}{100}×x =\frac{x}{10} \) ...(1)

we know,
discount = MP - SP
\(\ ⇨ \frac{x}{10} = x - 190 \)

\(\ ⇨ 190 = x - \frac{x}{10} \)

\(\ ⇨ 190 = \frac{10x-x}{10} \)

\(\ ⇨ 190 = \frac{9x}{10} \)

\(\ ⇨ 9x = 1900 \)

\(\ ⇨ x = 211.1 \)

⸫ The required Marked price was Rs. 211.10

3. Ramen bought an article for Rs. 630 whose marked price was Rs. 700. What is the percentage of discount he got?
Given, SP = Rs. 630 [SP for the trader = CP for Ramen]
MP = Rs. 700
We have,
Percentage of discount \(\ = \frac{MP-SP}{MP}×100 \)

\(\ = \frac{700-630}{700}×100 \)%

\(\ = \frac{70}{7} \)%

\(\ = 10 \)%

4. The marked price of a Sofa set is Rs. 30000. On occasion of new year, the shopkeeper sold it at Rs. 25000. What is the percentage of discount?
Given, MP = Rs. 30000
SP = Rs. 25000
We have,
Percentage of discount \(\ = \frac{MP-SP}{MP}×100 \)

\(\ = \frac{30000-2500}{30000}×100 \)%

\(\ = \frac{5000}{300} \)%

\(\ = 16.7 \)%

5. After a discount of 10%, a fan is sold at Rs. 1260. What was the marked price of the fan?
Given, SP = Rs. 1260
Discount percentage = 10

\(\ ⇨ \frac{MP-SP}{MP}×100=10 \)

\(\ ⇨ \frac{MP-1260}{MP}×100=10 \)

\(\ ⇨ MP-1260=\frac{10}{100}×MP \)

\(\ ⇨ MP-\frac{MP}{10}=1260 \)

\(\ ⇨ \frac{10MP-MP}{10}=1260\)

\(\ ⇨ 9MP = 12600 \)
\(\ ⇨ MP = 1400 \)
⸫ The required Marked price was Rs. 1400

6. The marked price on a watch is Rs. 1150. On account of Puja, if it is to be sold at Rs. 1000 then what will be the rate of discount?
Given, MP = Rs. 1150
SP = Rs. 1000
We have,
Percentage of discount \(\ = \frac{MP-SP}{MP}×100 \)

\(\ = \frac{1150-1000}{1150}×100 \)%

\(\ = \frac{150}{1150}×100 \)%

\(\ = 13.043 \)%

7. A cloth seller advertises a discount of 10% and sells his clothes accordingly. A customer buys a pair of suit for Rs. 6050, shirt for Rs. 575 and a saree for Rs. 875. Calculate the total discount she got.
Here, total SP = Rs. (6050+575+875) = Rs. 7500
Now, 10% of Rs. 7500 \(\ = \frac{10}{100}×7500 \)
\(\ = 10×75 \)
\(\ = 750 \)
⸫ The customer got a total discount of Rs. 750

8. What is the rate of retail discount on a book priced at Rs. 200 and sold at Rs. 175
Given, MP = Rs. 200
SP = Rs. 175
We have,
Percentage of discount \(\ = \frac{MP-SP}{MP}×100 \)%

\(\ = \frac{200-175}{200}×100 \)%

\(\ = \frac{25}{2} \)%

\(\ = 12.5 \)%

9. Buying a table for Rs. 2750 from a furnisher shop, a customer gets a discount \(\ 8\frac{1}{3} \)% What was the price of the tablefixed by the shopkeeper?
Given, SP = Rs. 2750
Let the marked price be \(\ x \)

Discount percentage = \(\ 8\frac{1}{3} = \frac{25}{3} \)

\(\ ⇨ \frac{x-2750}{x}×100= \frac{25}{3} \)

\(\ ⇨ x-2750= \frac{25}{3×100}×x \)

\(\ ⇨ x-\frac{25}{300}x= 2750 \)

\(\ ⇨ \frac{300x-25x}{300}= 2750 \)

\(\ ⇨ 275x = 825000 \)
\(\ ⇨ x = 3000 \)
⸫ The required Marked price was Rs. 3000

10. A shopkeeper gave a discount of 30% to a shirt with marked price of Rs. 600. He further gave a discount of 20% on that shirt. At what price did the shopkeeper sell the shirt and what is the total percentage of discount?
Given, MP = Rs. 600
Discount percentage = 30
\(\ ⇨ \frac{600-SP}{600}×100=30 \)

\(\ ⇨ 600-SP=\frac{30×600}{100} \)

\(\ ⇨ SP = 600-180\)
\(\ ⇨ SP = 420 \) (Rs.)
Now, for the 2nd discound, MP = Rs. 420
Ans, Discount percentage = 20
\(\ ⇨ \frac{420-SP}{420}×100=20 \)

\(\ ⇨ 420-SP=\frac{20×420}{100} \)

\(\ ⇨ SP = 420-84\)
\(\ ⇨ SP = 336 \) (Rs.)
When SP = Rs. 336, MP = Rs. 600

⸫ Total percentage of discount \(\ = \frac{600-336}{600}×100 \)%

\(\ = \frac{264}{6} \)%

\(\ = 44 \)%

11. Kamal bought a car for Rs. 400000 and spent Rs. 10000 on repairing. He sold the car to Suresh at 10% profit and Suresh again sold it to Deepak at 5% profit. At what price Deepak bought the car?
For Kamal,
CP = Rs. 400000
OE = Rs. 10000
⸫ Actual CP = RS. (400000+10000) = Rs. 410000
Profit made while selling to Suresh = 10% of Actual CP
\(\ = \frac{10}{100}×410000 = 41000 \)
Now, CP for Suresh = Rs. (410000+41000) = Rs. 451000
Profit made by Suresh while selling to Deepak = 5% of CP

\(\ = \frac{5}{100}×451000 = 22550 \)

So, SP for Suresh = CP for Deepak
= Rs. (451000+22550) = Rs. 473550
⸫ Deepak bought the car at Rs. 473550

12. A shopkeeper bought a radio from a man at Rs. 800. He spent Rs. 200 on repairing and sold it to another person at Rs. 1300. What was his percentage of profit?
Here, CP = Rs. 800
OE = Rs. 200
⸫ Actual CP = RS. (800+200) = Rs. 1000
Also given SP = Rs. 1300
⸫ Percentage of profit \(\ = \frac{SP-Actual~ CP}{Actual~ CP}×100 \)%

\(\ = \frac{1300-1000}{1000}×100 \)%

\(\ = \frac{300}{1000}×100 \)%

\(\ = 30 \)%

13. Migam bought an iron for Rs. 1200. He spent Rs. 40 for transportation. At what price he should sell it to get a profit of 25%
Here, CP = Rs. 1200
OE = Rs. 40
⸫ Actual CP = RS. (1200+40) = Rs. 1240
Also given,
percentage of profit, p = 25 %

We have,
\(\ SP = \left(\frac{100+p}{100}\right)× Actual~ CP \)

\(\ ⇨ SP = \left(\frac{100+25}{100}\right)× 1240 \)

\(\ ⇨ SP = \left(\frac{125}{100}\right)× 1240 \)

\(\ ⇨ SP = 12.5× 124 \)
\(\ ⇨ SP = 1550 \) (Rs.)

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