Exercise 8.1 | Class 8 | SCERT Solution | General Mathematics

1. A watch was bought for Rs. 250 and sold it for Rs. 260. Find the profit and profit per cent.
Given, CP = Rs. 250 and SP = Rs. 260
We have,
Profit = SP-CP = Rs. 260 - Rs. 250 = Rs. 10
We also have,
Profit per cent \(\ = \frac{profit}{CP} \) ×100%
\(\ = \frac{10}{250} \) ×100% = 4 %

2. Buying a pen at Rs. 60, at what price should it be sold to get a profit of 15% ?
Given, CP = Rs. 60
SP = ?
Also given, percentage of profit, p = 15 %

\(\ ⇨ \frac{SP-CC}{CP}×100 = 15 \)

\(\ ⇨ \frac{SP-60}{60}×100 = 15 \)

\(\ ⇨ (SP-60)×100 = 15×60 \)

\(\ ⇨ SP - 60 = \frac{900}{100} \)

\(\ ⇨ SP = 9+60 \)
\(\ ⇨ SP = 69 \)
⸫ The required SP should be Rs. 69.

Aternative Mathod
Given, CP = Rs. 60
percentage of profit, p = 15 %

We have,
\(\ SP = \left(\frac{100+p}{100}\right)×CP \)

\(\ ⇨ SP = \left(\frac{100+15}{100}\right)× 60 \)

\(\ ⇨ SP = \left(\frac{115}{100}\right)× 60 \)

\(\ ⇨ SP = 1.15× 60 \)
\(\ ⇨ SP = 69 \)
⸫ The required SP should be Rs. 69.

3. Ramen sold a mobile for Rs. 13500 at a loss of 20%. Find the CP of the mobile.
Given, SP = Rs. 13500
loss percentage, l = 20%
We have,
\(\ CP = \left(\frac{100}{100-20}\right)×13500 \)

\(\ ⇨ CP = \left(\frac{100}{80}\right)×13500 \)

\(\ ⇨ CP = \left(\frac{100}{8}\right)×1350 \)

\(\ ⇨ CP = 25×675 \)
\(\ ⇨ CP = 16875 \) (Rs.)

4. If the SP of 10 pens is equal to the CP of 8 pens, calculate the loss or gain percentage.
Let the SP of the one pen be \(\ x \)
⸫ the SP of the 10 pens be \(\ 10x \) ...(1)
A/Q, CP of 8 pens \(\ = 10x \) [using (1)]

⸫ CP of one pen \(\ = \frac{10x}{8} \)

⸪ \(\ \frac{10x}{8} > x \) , i.e., CP>SP

⸫ There will be a loss.

Loss \(\ = \frac{10x}{8}-x = \frac{10x-8x}{8} = \frac{2x}{8}= \frac{x}{4} \)

⸫ Percentage of loss \(\ = \frac{Loss~ in~ one~ pen}{CP~ of~ one~ pen} \)×100%

\(\ = \frac{\frac{x}{4}}{\frac{10x}{8}} \)×100%

\(\ = \frac{x}{4}×\frac{8}{10x} \)×100%

\(\ = 20 \)%

5. A cycle bought for Rs. 5000 is again sold at a profit of 12%. Find the SP of the cycle.
Given, CP = Rs. 5000
percentage of profit, p = 12 %

We have,
\(\ SP = \left(\frac{100+p}{100}\right)×CP \)

\(\ ⇨ SP = \left(\frac{100+12}{100}\right)× 5000 \)

\(\ ⇨ SP = \left(\frac{112}{100}\right)× 5000 \)

\(\ ⇨ SP = 112× 50 \)
\(\ ⇨ SP = 5600 \) (Rs.)

6. Kamal bought a water filter for Rs. 4500 and sold it at Rs. 4230. Calculate the loss per cent.
Given, CP = Rs. 4500 and SP = Rs. 4230
We have,
Loss per cent \(\ = \frac{CP-SP}{CP} \) ×100%

\(\ = \frac{4500-4230}{4500} \) ×100%

\(\ = \frac{270}{45} \)%

\(\ = 6 \)%

7. A shopkeeper sold a watch for Rs. 785 at a loss of 5%. What is the CP of the watch?
Given, SP = Rs. 785
loss percentage, l = 5%
We have,
\(\ CP = \left(\frac{100}{100-5}\right)×785 \)

\(\ ⇨ CP = \left(\frac{100}{95}\right)×785 \)

\(\ ⇨ CP = \left(\frac{20}{19}\right)×785 \)

\(\ ⇨ CP = 1.052×785 \)
\(\ ⇨ CP = 826.32 \) (Rs.)

8. If the selling price of 10 items is equal to the cost price of 11 items of the same types, find the profit or loss percentage.
Let the SP of the one item be \(\ x \)
⸫ the SP of the 10 items be \(\ 10x \) ...(1)
A/Q, CP of 11 items \(\ = 10x \) [using (1)]

⸫ CP of one item \(\ = \frac{10x}{11} \)

⸪ \(\ x > \frac{10x}{11} \) , i.e., SP>CP

⸫ There will be a profit.

Profit \(\ = x - \frac{10x}{11}= \frac{11x-10x}{11} = \frac{x}{11} \)

⸫ Percentage of loss \(\ = \frac{\frac{x}{11}}{\frac{10x}{11}} \)×100%

\(\ = \frac{x}{11}×\frac{11}{10x} \)×100%

\(\ = 10 \)%

9. A man bought two cars for Rs. 99000 each. He sold one of them at a profit of 10% and one at a loss of 10%. Calculate the profit or loss percentage in the whole transaction.
As the percentage of profit and loss for both the cars are same which is 10%.
So, there will be a loss by \(\ \frac{10^2}{100} \)% \(\ = \frac{100}{100} \)% = 1 %

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